The gulf between libel and slander was not always as wide as it is today. Libel was originally thought of as just one type of slander that could be committed. While that's still somewhat true today, there is a definite division in the courts.The difference between the...
But not too far.
As of May 25,2019 our new address is:
802 13th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0L2
Nothing else has changed.
Civil Litigation
Ex-journalist wins $200,000 in civil suit for defamation
Ex-journalist Arthur Kent won a defamation lawsuit after a columnist from Postmedia said others referred to the politician as the "Dud Scud," which was an unflattering play on the man's nickname, "Scud Stud," from his days as a news correspondent during the Persian...
Library workers in Toronto negotiate tentative settlement
Around 2,220 library workers have arrived at a tentative settlement agreement in Toronto. The agreement was announced early morning on Monday, May 2, which means that area libraries will open on schedule. Employees were on the verge of walking off the job after...
Do I have to have a lawyer in my appeal to the Supreme Court?
When you lose your court case, there is sometimes the possibility to appeal the decision to a higher court. Alternatively, if you win your court case, there is a possibility that the opposing side will choose to appeal the decision. Regardless which side of the appeal...
Volkswagen faces lawsuits for its Clean Diesel scandal
A federal lawsuit has been initiated against Volkswagen. The suit was filed on Tuesday and it charges the automaker with making false advertising claims about its "Clean Diesel" technology. Allegedly, the automaker falsely stated that the technology was...
Civil litigation: Is your case worth it?
Bringing a civil litigation matter forward in court can be expensive in the short term, but very profitable in the long term. That is, if the lawsuit is worth it. No matter how wrongly you have been treated — or no matter how much you want to defend yourself in...
Considerations about probate in Canada
If you are faced with decisions about probate -- whether it relates to the planning of your estate or the administration of another person's estate, there are some important things Alberta residents should think about. Namely, you need to begin by understanding what...
Airline settles Canada cvil suit over price fixing for $6 million
Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., has agreed to pay CA$6 million to settle a number of antitrust class action lawsuits in Canada that have accused the firm of conspiring with other airlines to increase international air cargo rates. The lawsuits came about...
Civil litigation and professional negligence
Professional negligence can manifest itself in a lot of different forms. Most of the professional negligence claims we take on at involve the negligence of individuals and firms who provide professional services to businesses. Those might...
Business fraud in Toronto
Business relationships are created with contracts and an underlying sense of trust, but sometimes we find that we have put our trust in the wrong people in our business dealings. Fortunately, when business fraud happens, the businesses and/or individuals who are...
Ridout Barron
802 13th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0L2
Phone: 403-278-3730
Fax: 403-271-8016
Calgary Law Office Map

There is free 2 hour street parking at our new location.
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We can use video conferencing tools like Zoom, Webex or Facetime in order to meet your needs through online virtual meetings