COVID 19 NOTICE - We are compliant with all Covid restrictions and sensitive to various clients’ inability to meet in person at this time. We will accommodate this to the best of our ability, whether through phone, online meetings, or outdoor visits.

We have moved.
But not too far.

As of May 25,2019 our new address is:

802 13th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0L2
Nothing else has changed.

Intelligent, Practical Solutions

For over 100 years, Ridout Barron has been dedicated to solving our clients' problems creatively and efficiently.



Harmful product allegations could lead to civil litigation

The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act protects consumers against harm caused by dangerous products. When a member of the public in Alberta or another province is injured or becomes ill as the result of a malfunctioning or dangerous product, grounds may exist to pursue a claim for damage recovery. This might lead to civil litigation, with the manufacturer of the product and/or others in the consumer supply chain named as defendants.

Health Canada administers the CCPSA, and the law authorizes Health Canada to issue fines for consumer products that pose a danger to human health or safety when used for regular and foreseeable purposes. This includes any product that causes an injury or death, or could harm the health of the person exposed to it. Furthermore, fines might also be issued if a chronic ailment is attributed to the use of a hazardous product, regardless of the lapse of time between the exposure and the adverse effect.

Under the CCPSA, certain products may not be sold, manufactured, imported or advertised. Health Canada is specifically authorized to test and evaluate all consumer products to verify compliance with CCPSA. If products are found not to comply with the Act, the federal government is empowered to recall products that are hazardous or might pose a danger to the safety or health of humans.

Most business owners in Alberta endeavour to comply with the standards mandated by the CCPSA. Nevertheless, unanticipated incidents can occur that cause harm to consumers. When this happens, the affected consumer may have grounds to file a products liability claim, which could be harmful to the business. The business owner has every right to secure the services of a lawyer with extensive civil litigation experience. The fact that a business entity is sued does not mean that liability automatically follows, and the right attorney will work with the client to defend its business reputation and pursue an optimal resolution of the dispute.




Ridout Barron
802 13th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0L2
Phone: 403-278-3730
Fax: 403-271-8016
Calgary Law Office Map


There is free 2 hour street parking at our new location.

We Use Video

We can use video conferencing tools like Zoom, Webex or Facetime in order to meet your needs through online virtual meetings

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